Computer Notes 6th Class Unit No.6


Digital Citizenship

(Solved Exercise)

Tick (✓) the correct option.

Answers are given at the end of the book.

Briefly answer the following question:

1. Define citizenship.
The position or status of being a citizen of a particular country is called citizenship.

2. What is digital citizenship?
Digital citizenship is the ability of a citizen to safely and responsibly access digital technologies being an active and respectful member of society.

3. Write the responsibilities of a citizen.
A citizen must comply with following responsibilities.
• Be honest and trustworthy.
• Follow rules and laws.
• Respect the rights of others.
• Practice tolerance
• Pay taxes

4. Write the basic elements of digital citizenship.
• Have access to Phone, computers and internet
• Understand how technology shapes our society
• Make online communication possible
• Being confident and capable of using ICT

5. Enumerate 5 rules of computer lab.
• No food or drinks in computer lab. Do not go on unapproved sites.
• Only use your assigned computer.
• Do not change the settings on the computer.
• Ask permission to download.
• Ask permission to print documents
• Save your work often.
• Turn computer monitors off when asked by your teacher.

6. How does copyright protect original material of an owner?
Copyright protects the original material of an owner by granting them exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and display their work, preventing others from using it without permission.

7. How can we say that plagiarism is an offence? Justify your answer.
Plagiarism is considered an offense because it involves the unauthorized use of someone else’s work, ideas, or intellectual property, which violates ethical and legal standards.

8. What is piracy?
The act of illegally reproducing copyrighted material, such as books, computer programs, and films is called piracy.

9. What are the ethical issues while surfing online?
The most commonly reported ethical issues are:
• Participant privacy
• Confidentiality
• Anonymity

10. Write the rules for being safe and responsible online.
• Don’t share your personal information online.
• Think about what you are sharing before you share.
• Always seek permission before you share a picture of someone else online. Don’t speak to strangers online.
• Tell an adult if someone asks to meet you online

Answer the following questions in detail:

1. Discuss importance of digital citizenship.
Importance of digital citizenship
We consider that everyone, using internet connection is a digital citizen, that’s why the concept of digital citizenship becomes a part of our lives. No matter what age a person, knowing how to stay safe and respectful is a necessity in digital society.

2. What do you mean by “be safe and responsible” in digital citizenship?
Being Safe and Responsible Online
Being a responsible digital citizen means having skills to take part in online community life in an ethical and respectful way. Responsible digital citizenship also means
• Behaving lawfully
• Protecting your privacy and that of others
• Recognizing your rights and responsibilities when using digital media
To encourage people to be responsible, safe and respectful online, follow the given rules:
• Don’t share your personal information online.
• Think about what you are sharing before you share.
• Always seek permission before you share a picture of someone else online. Don’t speak to strangers online.
• Tell an adult if someone asks to meet you online
Finally, remember, it is important to keep yourself safe online.

3. What is plagiarism? Write down its types.
Presenting other’s work or ideas as your own, with or without consent is called plagiarism. This covers all published and unpublished material whether in electronic or in printed form. Plagiarism is academic dishonesty and a disciplinary offence.
Types of plagiarism
There are various types of plagiarism some of them are:
Global plagiarism: means plagiarizing an entire text.
Paraphrasing plagiarism: means rephrasing someone else’s ideas and presenting them as if they were your own original thoughts.
Patchwork plagiarism: means copying phrases and ideas from different sources and compiling them into a new text.
Self-plagiarism: means recycling previous work that you’ve already submitted or published.

4. Write down ethical standards of sourcing online information.
Ethical Standards of Sourcing Online Information
You need to be aware of where to look for information, how to access it and how to use it. You must also be able to analyze your sources to check that they are relevant and of a suitable nature to be included within your work. We can use following aspects to analyze the quality of a source:
Currency: The timeliness of the information
Relevancy: The importance of the information to your context
Authority: The source of the information
Accuracy: The reliability and correctness of the content
Purpose: The reason for which the information exists

5. What issues can we face by excessive use of ICT devices?
Health-related Issues of using ICT Devices
If we use a computer for many hours, there are some health issues that might affect us. Some of them are:
One health issue that can occur after using computers for a long time is eye-strain. This is caused by looking at a monitor which is a constant distance away. We should take regular breaks to avoid Eye-Strain problem.
Back and Neckache
Many people suffer from back and neck pain after working at a computer for a long time. This is usually due to them having a bad sitting posture.
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) in Wrists and Hands
Any repetitive movement can result in a health problem called repetitive strain injury (RSI).
In particular, typing and using a mouse for long periods are common causes of RSI in the wrist. Take regular breaks from typing or using the mouse.