Computer Notes 6th Class Unit No.1


ICT Fundamentals

(Solved Exercise)

Tick (✓) the correct option.

Answers are given at the end of the book.

Briefly answer the following question:

  1. Define ICT, How is it helpful in everyday life?
    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is defined as a set of computing tools that collectively allow people and organizations to interact in the digital world. It is in almost every field of life such as e-Commerce  e-governance, banking, agriculture, education, medicine, defense and transport etc.
  2. Differentiate between data and information.
    Raw collection of facts and figures is called data while processed form of data is called information.
  3. Enlist basic components of computer.
    i. Central Processing Unit(CPU)
    ii. Primary Memory
    iii. System Board
    iv. Peripheral Device
  4. Why CPU is called brain of computer?
    All functions and processes in computer is performed by CPU so it is called brain of computer.
  5. Enlist any three computers of first generation.
    i. ENIAC
    ii.UNIVAC- 1
    iii. EDVAC
  6. Write a note of 5th generation of computer.
    5th Generation computers have been utilized since 1980 and continue to be used till now. This is present as well as future  of the computer world. The defining aspects of this generation is artificial intelligence.
  7. Enlist any five devices of ICT.
    i.   Printers
    ii.  Graphic Cards
    iii. Monitors
    iv.  Sound Devices
    v.   Storage Devices
  8. Discuss applications of ICT devices in Business.
    ICT make business more efficient and effective. ICT can support  various business activities such as design, manufacturing, distribution and collection and evaluating sales and feed back etc. ICT system can also be used in reducing cost, increasing efficiency  improving decision-making and increasing your competitiveness in the marketplace.
  9. Write down any five advantages of ICT devices.
    i.   ICT is Eco-friendly because has eliminated the use of paper.
    ii.  ICT has improved teaching and learning mechanism.
    iii. ICT provides independent learning platforms for students
    iv. ICT promotes and improves the digital culture in school, colleges and universities.
    v.  ICT has enhanced data and information security.
  10.  Write down any five disadvantages of ICT devices.
    Following are the five disadvantages of ICT.
    i.   Misleading and misguiding information
    ii.  Risk of cyber-attacks and hacks
    iii. Misuse of technology by students
    iv. Not accessible everywhere
    v.  Implementation of ICT is expansive

Answer the following questions detail.

         1. Discuss three types of software.
1. System software
System software is the type of computer program that is designed to run a computer’s hardware and application programs. System software is the interface between the hardware and user applications.
Examples: System software include operating system(OS) like Microsoft Windows, mac OS, Linux and Android.
2. Application Software
Application software is type of computer program or software package that performs specific functions for a user. The function performed by application software, can be for an individual, organization or for an educational institute. Application software is also known as production software or end user software.
Examples: Application software include office suite , graphic software, databases, web browers and image editor etc.
3. Driver Software
Driver software is also known as device driver. It is often considered a type of system software. Device driver are used to control the devices and peripherals connected to the computer system. It is also enable them to perform their specific tasks.
Examples: Examples include game controllers, as well as the software that enable standard hardware such as printer and scanner.

        2. Differentiate between second and third generation of computer.


Second Generation

1. The year 1957-1963 are referred to as the second generation of computer.

2. COBOL, FORTRAN programming languages were used in this generation.

3. In this generation vacuum tube were replaced by transistors. Transistors made the computer smaller, faster and more energy efficient.

4. Examples of 2nd generation computer are IBM 1620, IBM 7094, CDC 1604 and CDC 3600 etc.

Third Generation

1. The period of third generation was from 1964 to 1971.

2. Programming languages FORTRON-II to IV, COBOL and PASCAL PL/1 were used in this generation.

3. Integrated circuit (IC) technology was used in this generation. A single IC can replace many transistors. This technology increased the power of a computer and lowered its cost.

4. Examples of 3rd generation computer are IBM-360 series, the Honeywell-6000 series and the IBM-370/168 etc.

        3. Discuss applications of ICT in manufacturing industries.

ICT devices are used in different industries. The entry of ICT devices in industry has revolutionized the manufacturing industry and led to the industry toward development of the heavy machines. ICT has increased the productivity of  industries for various purpose such as:

  1. Welding parts of the cars
  2. Paint spraying car in car factories
  3. Manufacturing microchips
  4. Lifting heavy parts of the cars
  5. Packing goods into boxes
  6. CPU manufacturing
  7. 3D printing
  8. Washing cars

        4. Where do we use Navigation System and how does it work?

Navigation System are used for monitoring and controlling the movement of a craft or vehicle from one place to another. Navigation system is further divided into four categories.

    • Land navigation
    • Marine  navigation
    • Aeronautic navigation
    • Space navigation

Modern ICT devices are widely used in navigation system.

       5. Differentiate between hardware and software.



1. Hardware is the physical and tangible parts of computer.

2. Hardware is like a human body.

3. Hardware can be seen and touched.

4. Example: motherboard, keyboard, monitor, RAM


1. Software is the set of instructions, data or program used to operate a computer and perform specific tasks.

2. Software is like a human soul.

3. Software can’t be physically touched.

4. Example: MS word, MS paint, media player, MS windows

Write the functions of following ICT devices.

  1. Printer : The primary function of a printer is to create a physical, hard copy of digital information, whether it’s text, graphics, or images.
  2. Keyboard : The primary function of a keyboard is to allow users to type letters, numbers, and symbols into a computer. Each key on the keyboard corresponds to a specific character or function, and pressing a key sends a signal to the computer telling it which character or function has been entered.
  3. Scanner : The primary function of a scanner is to capture an image or document and convert it into a digital format that can be edit saved on a computer.
  4. Monitor : The primary function of a monitor is to display visual information from a computer. This can include text, images, videos, and graphics.
  5. Smart Phone : A smartphone is a versatile device that can perform various functions. Here are some of its key functions:
    1. Communication: Smartphones allow users to make phone calls, send text messages, and use various messaging apps to stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues.
    2. Internet connectivity: Smartphones enable users to access the internet, browse websites, use social media apps, and access a wide range of online services.
    3. Multimedia: Smartphones are also used for taking photos and videos, listening to music, watching videos, and playing games. They can also be used for productivity tasks, such as email, calendar management, and document editing.