Computer Notes 5th Class Unit No.5


Electronic Mail

(Solved Exercise)

A. Chose the correct option:

1. ………………… is a short title that gives a brief description of the email.
a. Subject
b. Inbox
c. Outbox
d. None

2. In ………………..  field address of participants is not available to others.
a. Bcc
b. Cc
c. Bb
d. None

3. The ………………. displays a list of received emails.
a. Outbox
b. Inbox
c. Subject
d. None

4. Address of the person to whom you want to send the email is written ………….. field.
a. To
b. For
c. Both a and b
d. None

5. In order to use the email service, we need to have …………….. account.
a. Email
b. Mobile
c. Bank
d. None

B: Answer the following questions.
1. What is forwarding? Write down steps to forward an email.
You can send a copy of a received mail to other people by forwarding it.
1. Click on forward button.
2. Write email address of receiver in ‘To’ field.
3. Click on send button.

2. Enlist the advantages of email.
The advantages of email are as follows.
1. Low cost
2. Speed
3. Convenience

3.Differentiate between Cc and Bcc in email.
Cc. The email address mentioned in the Cc field are visible to all recipients  of the email.
Bcc. The email address mentioned in Bcc field not visible to other  recipients.

4. What is purpose of subject in email?
Subject is a short title that gives a brief description of the email.

5. Write down the steps to compose an email.
1. Click on compose button.
2. Write recipient’s email address in ‘To’ field.
3. Write subject and message of email.
4. Click on send.