Computer Notes 8th Class Unit No.1


Emerging Technologies

(Solved Exercise)

C. Answer the following short questions:

1. What is meant by augmented reality?
Augmented reality manages to merge digital and three-dimensional(3D) components with an individual’s perception of the real world.

2. What are some of the applications of Al?
Applications of artificial intelligence include self-driving cars, expert systems, natural language processing, machine vision, chatbots, gaming, marketing, social media, navigation control, etc.

3. What is holographic imaging?
A 3D hologram is a 3D projection of a 3D recorded image that matches almost exactly with the original object.

4. What are the primary difficulties in robotics?
One primary difficulty in robotics is creating robots that can understand and respond to complex environments. Another challenge is developing robots with precise and skillful movements like human hands.

5. What are the other names used for self-driving cars?
A self-driving car is also known as an autonomous vehicle (AV), driverless car, or robotic car.

6. State the applications of 3D imaging.
Some of applications of 3D include Computed Technology (CT), 3D laser scanning, Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI), 3D movies, etc.

7. Which device is used to experience virtual reality?
It can be viewed through virtual reality headset.

8.What is the main purpose of using Computer Assisted translation?
The main purpose of using Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) is to increase efficiency and accuracy in translating texts. It helps people translate text faster and more accurately by using special tools on computers to assist them.

9.How can you create a hologram at home?
We can create a hologram at home using a smartphone, a clear plastic or glass pyramid, and a hologram-specific video. Simply place the pyramid on your smartphone while playing the video to see the holographic effect.

10. What makes 5G better than previous ones?
5G is much faster, more flexible and has less data transfer delays which makes it better than previous ones.

D. Answer the following long questions:

1.Write a note on blockchain.
Blockchain is a method of storing data in blocks that makes it difficult or even impossible to change the data or hack it. Blocks create a chain because each one has information about the block before it, hence strengthening the links in the chain. The transaction or file recorded cannot be modified.
Blockchain technology is used to innovate games, secure healthcare data, provide transparency for the business, financial services, market trends, and data-driven research. Blockchain technology is also the backbone of all Cryptocurrencies.

2. What are the differences between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality?
Virtual Reality
• In VR, users are fully immersed in a simulated environment. They wear a headset that blocks out the real world and replaces it with a computer-generated environment.
• VR provides a sense of presence, making users feel like they are actually in the virtual world.
Augmented Reality
• Augmented Reality (AR) overlays digital content onto the real world, enhancing the user’s perception of their environment.
• Augmented Reality adds fun stuff to the world you’re already in.