Computer Notes 5th Class Unit No.6


More About Scratch

(Solved Exercise)

A. Chose the correct option:

1. We can create …………………… in Scratch.
a. Stories
b. Games
c. Animations
d. All

2. ………………….. contains the name of the file in Scratch.
a. Tool Bar
b. Title Bar
c. Sprite
d. None

3. ……………… command moves the sprite in forward direction.
a. Turn
b. Forward
c. Move
d. None

4. ……………… is the area where sprite can move.
a. Stage
b. Menu Bar
c. Black Palette
d. None

5. ……………….. is points the direction where it will turn.
a. Tail
b Face
c. Head
d. None

B: Answer the following questions.
1. What is the menu bar in scratch?
It is below the title bar. We perform many actions like save, new project and load project using ”Menu bar”. Tutorial option also available in Menu bar.

2. For which purpose do we use Go button?
First button 🏴 represent the ”Go” command. It is used to run or execute commands.

3.What is sprite in scratch?
A Sprite is an object in scratch that performs functions controlled by script.

4. What is sprite pane in scratch?
The Sprite pane in an area of the scratch program where all sprites present in object can be easily accessed to modify.

5. Write down the steps to move cat in upper right corner.
1. Move 10 steps.
2. Turn 90 degree.
3. Move 10 steps.